A just courtroom is a place where the evidence is presented, weighed, and an unbiased verdict is determined. In some cases, just one piece of evidence is given that solves the case. For example, a video is found, taken of the crime by the suspect. This determines the case. Nothing else is needed; he is guilty.
Evolution and Creation on Trial
In the courtroom of nature, the evidence for evolution and creation is presented in articles like these. No other options are possible in explaining how the world and life began. In the last two articles, we looked at 9 pieces of evidence, each of which must be answered or evolution must be thrown out as impossible. Here are four more, taken from work by Bruce Malone and outlined in the book, A Closer Look at the Evidence by Richard and Tina Kleiss (for April 5th).
Obvious Order in Creation
10) The problem of order. Though the world and life are incredibly complex, they are at the same time very orderly. For example, the earth could not be closer to, or further from the moon and sun without major negative ramifications. The order is so obvious that evolutions must keep reminding each other that it is only apparent, not real.
The Mystery of Light and Energy
11) The problem of light. Life could not exist without light and energy and yet we still don’t really know what they are. We can calculate laws dealing with light and energy (like the first law of thermodynamics) and we have been able to convert matter into (atomic) energy but it still holds many mysteries. How could this enigmatic substance (or wave, or both) have evolved? The electromagnetic spectrum is divided by wavelengths so that most wavelengths cannot be seen by people, yet some of the unseen wavelengths can be seen by animals (flies, honeybees) and others are necessary to plants and heat.
Just Where Does Life Come From?
12) The problem of life. Even if man can combine the right chemicals to make a protein, or enough proteins to make a cell, the cell still lacks that quality called life. As John Whitcomb stated, “Cut a living frog into 29 pieces, then quickly sow them back together in precisely the right place, and what do you have? A dead frog!’ No one can add the quality of life to it. We can only give the semblance of life through artificial means. Life only comes from life. The theory of spontaneous generation was refuted long ago by Louis Pasteur (an avowed creationist, by the way). Yet evolution demands it is true, at least in the past.
Philosophising on Philosophy
13) The problem of conscious thought. Man alone has the capacity to philosophize, to even comprehend the existence of a higher being. Animals do not pray. Only people ask questions dealing with origin or destiny. How could conscience and consciousness have evolved?
Even more, the highest and best evidence for creation is yet to come.