Jim – The Writer (1945 – 2011)
While in college, a friend gave me a booklet containing the Gospel of John. Through reading this I realized that God demanded more than just good works to be accepted by Him. This is why He sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I accepted Christ as my own personal Saviour and, as John tells us, I was born into God’s family through faith. (John 1:12)
In the years that followed, I married Ruby Lauke, was entrusted with seven children and had the opportunity to work for 13 years in Christian schools in the US and Canada. In New Brunswick, Canada, I pastored two country churches for 13 years as well as tallying 12 years in homeschooling. Over these years I have had the opportunity to minister to children through school chapels, camp speaking, AWANA, VBS, Sunday schools, and writing.
We moved to Arizona in 1999 to be available to care for my aging father. When he passed away in 2004, the Lord directed us to Eau Claire, Wisconsin where we help in our church. Our two youngest children still live with us.
(I am 6ft 9in and therefore enjoy the following quote.) “Better to love a short person than never to have loved a tall.”
In my spare time, I enjoy writing Bible songs which are available at SingTheScripture.com.
— Jim Swanson
Ben – The Artist
In 2011, after a trying battle with cancer, my grandpa left the earth to meet his Maker. I took up the job of continuing his site in the fall of 2017, and ever since, I have been doing my best to make my grandpa Jim’s site even more inviting and enjoyable. I hope you find the illustrations, diagrams, and the changes in the design were not done in vain, but only help to further his goal of giving the glory to God in everything.
As the oldest of eight, I have been given a place of great responsibility that started at a very young age.
By the grace of God, I was raised with a Christ-centered worldview, though it was really the examples of my grandma and parents that showed me that I was lacking something. My life changed then, around the age of 14, and I decided I was going to lay everything down, as I felt I had nothing to lose. That was the best choice of my life. God began working in me for real from then on.
As a member of my big family, homeschooling has definitely been the right choice for us in more ways than one. In the future, I will definitely plan on providing that kind of education to my children.
In addition to this site, I also keep up my own site at 2kcomics.com. I am a freelance artist, illustrator, and graphic novelist. I also have a children’s ebook series here on Amazon.
Feel free to contact me on either my website above, or email me here.
— Ben Swanson