Here is a little review: symbiosis is the relationship between two living creatures so that each benefits from the other. An example of mutual symbiosis is the relationship between Ocellaris clownfish that dwell among the tentacles of Ritteri sea anemones
What Is So Special About Them?
The clownfish is a type of fish that lives in salt water habitats north of Australia and east of China. It is also called an Anemonefish. Clownfish became famous through the movie Finding Nemo. They are typically very bright, orange fish that have three white stripes, one at the head, middle and tail. The clownfish can grow to be from 2 to 5 inches long and with that coloring and size, it would become easy prey for many other sea creatures. Anemones, on the other hand, are a plant looking animal surrounded by many tentacles that are able to sting its prey and then eat it. The clownfish live in these tentacles, free from the danger of predators who would be food for the anemone.
The Clownfish Superpower
But how can the clownfish live in these tentacles without getting stung? Clownfish have a slimy mucus covering their bodies that protects them from the sea anemone. If this covering is wiped off of a clownfish, it will get stung and possibly be killed when it returns home to the anemone.
How Do These Two Creatures Benefit Each Other?
We already saw that the anemone protects the clownfish from predators. In turn, the clownfish will do three things for the anemone. First, the clownfish is very active. It got this name from its coloring and from what appears to be ‘clowning around.’ This activity stirs up the waters and brings by more fish and algae for the anemone. Second, the clownfish defends the anemone against its predators. Third, the clownfish will clear away the remains of fish or algae eaten by the anemone. This, of course, provides a free meal for the anemone.
Such a relationship is hard to explain by evolution. Without this mucus (it is the only fish with such a protection), the clownfish would be killed by the anemone and without the anemone, it would be easy prey for larger fish. On the other hand, without the clownfish, the anemone would be attacked by larger fish immune to its sting and would become clogged with debris. It is a relationship that had to be complete from the beginning for gradual evolution would result in extinction first. This can only be explained by the design of an intelligent Creator. The Bible says this was Jesus Christ. (John 1:3)
this is so interesting
So interesting that we based our entire company philosophy on it…niiice
I like this article very much. Now i understand about anemone and clownfishes.
Thank you for this article.
maybe there was a fish whose food source was running out so the only option was to eat alge growing on the anemone, then there was one that got born with a special mucus on its body so it could go into the anemone without dying so it survived better and passed on its genes and later there was more fish like him but his species died out and the fish protected the anemone because it lived inthe anemone and the anemone is its home, and thats how it started
This theory is built on a lot of ‘maybe’s. Survival of the fittest is a cruel process, and can by no means create better information and animals. This can only come from a more intelligent source – God.