What Is the Best Way to Date the Earth? Evolution demands an old earth and evolutionists routinely speak of billions of years as proof of modern dating methods. The truth is, no reliable dating method can account for billions of years for the existence of the earth and the universe. Many of these methods are …
Tag: creation
Bones of Contention
When I was in elementary school, our weekly reader contained a story and picture (this very picture) of a new find proving evolution. It was called Zinjanthropus, found in Africa and supposedly a half ape, half man missing-link. When I showed it to my parents, my grandmother responded, “I don’t believe it.” “But his picture …
Palm Trees
One of the great losses in accepting the validity of evolution is missing the lessons God wants to teach us through His design. One example of this is the Palm Tree. How Many Species of Palm Tree Are There? Worldwide, the family Palmae (Palm Tree) is composed of 2500 to 3000 different species. A few …
Diatomaceous Earth
Though some 200 species of diatoms exist today, an estimated 100,000 species are extinct, known only by their fossil remains. “Diatoms are a widespread group and can be found in the oceans, in freshwater, in soils, and on damp surfaces. . . . They are especially important in oceans, where they are estimated to contribute …
One of the leading spokesmen for evolution, Thomas Huxley, stated this: “It is clear that the doctrine of evolution is directly antagonistic to that of creation. . . if consistently accepted, it makes it impossible to believe the Bible.” Unfortunately, many Christians do not understand why this is true. The Bible is crystal clear on …