The anglerfish would surely not win any beauty contest! However, it is a good candidate for first place in the amazing design category. Here’s why. The Anglerfish: Not Made for Looks The female anglerfish has a build in fishing rod attached to her head between her eyes. At the end dangles (in front of her …
Tag: design
The Clownfish and the Anemone
Here is a little review: symbiosis is the relationship between two living creatures so that each benefits from the other. An example of mutual symbiosis is the relationship between Ocellaris clownfish that dwell among the tentacles of Ritteri sea anemones What Is So Special About Them? The clownfish is a type of fish that lives …
Petrified Wood
Experience of a Lifetime Seeing the Petrified Forest of northern Arizona is quite an experience. It is not like any other forest for the trees are not standing. At your feet are millions of pieces of broken petrified wood, a veritable carpet covering the ground. But also entire trees may be seen as well, most …
The Wonder of Language
Porpoises Converse Better Than People? Of all God’s creation, only people can truly converse. Several years go some scientists purported the idea that porpoises had a more complex language than humans do. If they are so smart, why are they the ones jumping through hoops for a free fish held by a person? The truth …
The Saguaro Cactus
Probably the most famous cactus is the Saguaro, though it is only found in the 120,000 square miles of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and California. Saguaro is an Indian word, pronounced “sah-wah-ro” or “suh-wah-ro.” The scientific name is Carnegiea Gigantean, named for Andrew Carnegie. Just How Tall Can They Get? Indeed the Saguaro …